The best MR methods are essential for meaningful translational and clinical research. Reliable and stream-lined processing software is necessary for efficient experiment planning and data monitoring during experimental sessions. Finally, robust tools for the analysis of the obtained data are required, e.g. for the quantification of neurochemicals from an in vivo MR spectrum.
Ultra-high field allows novel insights into the human brain at spatial and spectral resolution that has not been possible before. However, non-standard MR sequences, processing software and analysis tools are necessary. More importantly, true benefits are only achieved if the methodological and technical challenges (e.g. in B0 or B1 behavior) associated to high field can be overcome.
Our goal is to establish a coherent framework of MR sequences, processing software and analysis tools for clinical MR research of the human brain at 7 Tesla.
Here you can download software and analysis tools provided by the MR SCIENCE laboratory, including MR spectroscopy data processing and analysis tool INSPECTOR, our implementation of FASTMAP shimming FAMASITO, and B0 shim calculation tool B0DETOX.
Please note that while these tools may require installation of the MATLAB Compiler Runtime, available here for download free of charge, no MATLAB license is required for their use.
For questions, suggestions or further information, please contact Christoph Juchem.
Lab GitHub
The official public GitHub page for the MR SCIENCE Laboratory can be found here:
Current Research
Over the last 5 years we established state-of-the-art experimental and computational infrastructure for clinical MR investigations of the human brain at 7 Tesla. MR sequences for MRI, MRS and MRSI were implemented that support multi-transmit and –receive RF technology. Several software packages were written to provide basic functionalities such as MRI and MRS processing of multi-receiver data or brain co-registration for automated MRS voxel (re)positioning. Based on this foundation, specific applications e.g. dynamic multi-coil technique (DYNAMITE) B0 shimming or fully automated B1 shimming procedures of all individual MR sequence components (MRS voxel, water suppression, outer-volume suppression) have been added. Experiment time in patients is extremely valuable and, therefore, all methods for experiment planning, calibration processing and data monitoring during sessions are stream-lined for efficiency and reproducibility.
Software downloads

INSPECTOR - Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Software
Citation for use: Gajdošík M, Landheer K, Swanberg KM, and Juchem C. INSPECTOR: Free software for magnetic resonance spectroscopy data Inspection, processing, simulation and analysis. Scientific Reports. In press.

DOTCOPS - Optimized crusher and phase cycling in MR spectroscopy
Citation for use: Landheer K and Juchem C. Simultaneous optimization of crusher and phase cycling schemes for magnetic resonance spectroscopy: an extension of dephasing optimization through coherence order pathway selection. Magn Reson Med. 2020 Feb; 83(2):391-402.
And: Landheer K and Juchem C. (2018). Dephasing optimization through coherence order pathway selection (DOTCOPS) for improved crusher schemes in MR spectroscopy. Magn Reson Med. 2019 Apr; 81(4):2209-2222.

MARSS - Magnetic Resonance Spectrum Simulator
Citation for use: Landheer K, Swanberg KM and Juchem C. (2019). Magnetic Resonance Spectrum Simulator (MARSS), a novel software package for fast and computationally efficient basis set simulation. NMR Biomed e4129.